Tag Archives: HIV

Two Fabulous Causes in One Day

24 Feb

It’s not common for a Jesuit Institution to have an AIDS test on campus due to their beliefs in abstinence but today the SPC community came out to show support and get tested at a Rapid Aids Testing Event sponsored by the Criminal Justice Department to celebrate black history month. And tonight the SPC Community will be stepping out full “pink” style in support of the Pink Zone Event in the RLC 7:00pm, featuring a game by the SPC Women’s Basketball game and a taste testing of white castle burgers and fries in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. So if you are on campus tonight don’t forget to check out the event and don’t forget to rock you pink zone t-shirts if you do go.

HIV/AIDS and Cancer are two of the biggest and most supported causes in the fashion world. Many designers, fashion companies and fashion icons are taking major steps towards becoming activists for the awareness of HIV/AIDS and Cancer such Designer Betsey Johnson, who is a breast cancer survivor, and has support numerous of cancer charities and foundation across the countries. And not to mention retailer H&M will be launching a Fashion Against AIDS 2011 unisex to increase awareness about HIV/AIDS amongst America’s youth. 25% of sales from the collection will be donated to different HIV/AIDS prevention projects around the world.

For more about how fashion influences HIV/AIDS and Cancer, check out these sites below.

1. http://www.hm.com/us/

2. http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/landingpages/simplyveraverawang.jsp?pfx=pfx_google_roi&cid=tbeverawang

3. http://www.betseyjohnson.com/home/index.jsp

4. http://www.aids.org/

5. http://www.cancer.org/